Sunday, December 11, 2011

World Of Warcraft, Books, and some exciting Christmas cheer!

I'm currently in the process of downloading World Of Warcraft again, and this time I have a tonne of time to spend on it, so maybe I'll get somewhere.

We meet again, download client..

Incidentally, I've almost finished reading Mogworld, by Yahtzee Croshaw
In a world full to bursting with would-be heroes, Jim couldn't be less interested in saving the day. His fireballs fizzle. He's awfully grumpy. Plus, he's been dead for about sixty years. When a renegade necromancer wrenches him from eternal slumber and into a world gone terribly, bizarrely wrong, all Jim wants is to find a way to die properly, once and for all.
On his side, he's got a few shambling corpses, an inept thief, and a powerful death wish. But he's up against tough odds: angry mobs of adventurers, a body falling apart at the seams and a team of programmers racing a deadline to hammer out the last few bugs in their AI.
It's been an awesome read so far, and the ending is looking promising. The story unfolds really well, with believable characters, and great humour. I've never laughed this loud at a book before, ever. I really suggest giving this one a read, it's awesome.

But, back to World Of Warcraft! I'm not sure what type of character I'm going to roll yet, but I'm getting sick of being the support class in every RPG I've ever touched, so I'm going to try something a bit more on the "I'm going to tear out your spine and hit you to death with it' end of the spectrum.
Considering the expansions are super cheap now, it's looking tempting to actually play WoW properly. It might end up getting pushed to the side by EVE, though, which I plan on playing a lot of after Christmas.

So if you play either, and you want to play them with me (remembering that my character's going to be sparkling and new in WoW, and I haven't played EVE in a bit) drop me a message!

I can win this!