Saturday, May 21, 2011

Nostalgia... Mm...

So I'm currently playing some Warcraft 3! One of the few games that runs with ease on Linux at the moment, I'm going to try some others later... I'm sticking to some of the classics, because they're more likely to run.

Gooey nostalgia!

I'm going to try and pull an all nighter, without caffeine... Or I'll make some tea, who knows?

Amazingly, I don't mind playing some of these old games, it's really started to remind me of how much games have changed over the years. It's especially reminded me of how many carbon copies there are out there! I think next I'm going to go for something a little newer. The old WH40K maybe? After that, I'm going to try and get Battlefield 2 to run! Tonight should be fun!

EDIT (9:58 PM): So it seems that Battlefield bugs out, because of the graphics. I'm working on finding a fix, should have it working soon, if not I'll find another game.

A quick update on my gamemode:

I've hit a bump in the road, with my Windows partition breaking. I can't test it, and all my friends that own Gmod are lazy/not in the same timezone. Really sucky, but I'll get around it somehow! If anyone would like to help with simple tests, just to see if the UI and such works, please let me know.

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