Monday, July 11, 2011

A new video and Google+!


I went camping over the weekend, just for one night, and I filmed the first day plus video of my family leaving! Here's the product of about 50 minutes of editing:

We went to a little private camping spot in Oberon, that some friends own! Overall it was pretty enjoyable.

But anywho, in other news, I'm now on Google+! I've been giving out some invites to some friends, so if anyone wants one, you can go ahead and comment and you might get lucky. I'm enjoying it so far, and I really like the idea of the circles, it gives it a more personalized feel and sharing things with people is a lot better, when you know which circle will appreciate it more (for example: grandma won't enjoy that picture of you making out with a dog while drunk, as much as your drinking buddies might).
That's all for now, sorry for the lack of writing, I'm kind of tired.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Sorry for that long pause, guys (I don't know who I'm talking to at this point).

I got a little caught up on things to blog about, seeing as my Linux life was boring. Windows is running again and things are back to normal. I've gotten back to work on my Gmod gamemode, and right now I'm just making some basic framework.

Two teams, loadouts, and a few menus. From there, I'll move onto the more complex stuff, like setting up the different classes and maybe an in-game jukebox.

Mmm! Painstakingly slow UI creation!

In other news, my band is progressing nicely. I do believe we should be able to record very soon! That should mean at least a single shall be released. Look out for that, because I am amazing and you know you want to hear my sweet, sweet music.

Until next time, dudes!