Monday, July 11, 2011

A new video and Google+!


I went camping over the weekend, just for one night, and I filmed the first day plus video of my family leaving! Here's the product of about 50 minutes of editing:

We went to a little private camping spot in Oberon, that some friends own! Overall it was pretty enjoyable.

But anywho, in other news, I'm now on Google+! I've been giving out some invites to some friends, so if anyone wants one, you can go ahead and comment and you might get lucky. I'm enjoying it so far, and I really like the idea of the circles, it gives it a more personalized feel and sharing things with people is a lot better, when you know which circle will appreciate it more (for example: grandma won't enjoy that picture of you making out with a dog while drunk, as much as your drinking buddies might).
That's all for now, sorry for the lack of writing, I'm kind of tired.

1 comment:

  1. (for example: grandma won't enjoy that picture of you making out with a dog while drunk, as much as your drinking buddies might). WRONG.
