Sunday, April 24, 2011

Game Mode! Whaaaaaaaa~t?!

I'm starting work on a Garry's Mod game mode. I'm just tossing some ideas around now! This would be my first project, and so far, it's mostly for practice. I'm going to try and encompass what I've learnt since I've started learning Lua.

I'll be making making Derma for it, and setting those up with their own personal hotkeys; hopefully I can make some SWEPs specific to teams/classes; I've got an idea about abilities that you can use, to help your team; and then I've got an idea about custom maps. It should be fun!
There might even be a few Easter Eggs for you to find in the game mode, so if I ever actually release this to the public, maybe you should check it out.

The basic idea is a team death match, with 4 main classes:

  • The main combat oriented class; a warrior/fighter/soldier type of thing.
  • The support/combat class, that uses ranged 'magical' powers, if you will.
  • The main ranged class, which sits back and picks off enemies.
  • And a healing class, to y'know... Heal stuff.

I'll make updates about it until it's done, so stay tuned for those!

Aside from the stuff I'm doing on the PC, I'm starting work on a film. I'm still wondering whether it should be a web series, or feature length, but I'm leaning more towards a web series. The idea is too hard to drag out for an hour and have a final ending, but as a web series I wouldn't have to make a definite ending after an hour or so of footage.

I'm also going to make a new video, because I haven't made a good one in a long while; I'll link that on here when it's done.

That's all for now! Thanks for reading.

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