Sunday, April 24, 2011

Linux; again.

So, it only took me a few days to set up a dual boot. What can I say? I'm weak willed!

After setting up the dual boot, I found that I really only used Windows for games in the first place; Linux is far better for everything else.

If you don't think this is cool, you're probably ugly/lame.

I've set up Gnome3, which works swimmingly with my desktop. Everything about Linux makes me happy, except the gaming. So I've got a practically vanilla copy of Windows, which I play games on. The only things (other than Steam, which had to be installed for me to play games) I have installed are Chrome and iTunes.
I've noticed the difference in loading times, and I have to say that Windows takes a long time, in comparison to Linux. This, coupled with the fact that Linux writes to the harddrive faster, makes it really user friendly.

So yeah! Linux is great!

And in other news, I got Portal 2... And finished it on the same day. I've been waiting for someone I know to get it, so I can play some more of the co-op! It's pretty hard, trying to think with four portals and all. The animations and commands help quite a lot, though.

Hit me up on Steam if you wanna play some games, or something; you can add me with The_Cheeseman

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