Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Oh, hello!

I'm a freakin' genius!

Those were my literal first words, when I picked up my first video camera. Sure, it was crappy, and sure, the video I made did later make me regret ever touching the thing, but I sure did feel a sense of accomplishment when I uploaded it on Youtube!

The video was pretty simple. In fact, it was more of a huge, inside joke. My friend and I had found a bag of Spider-Man toys in the spare room, and we dropped them on the carpet. Then we just started improvising.

The jokes were terrible, the video quality was worse, and we didn't even actually make skits/a story. It was just us screwing around.

My next project was a little more complicated. It was improvisation, but with a main character. It was the same morning as the previous video, so I still had that "what the hell" attitude going on.
I made a stupid voice, and moved the mouth of a Lizard Man figurine.

And thus, Retarded-Lizard-Man-Coat-Thing is forever burned into my memory.

Now I have higher quality equipment, and a better understanding of how to actually make a movie (with real story progression), my next objective is to tackle a short-film. I find myself looking back at that incredibly shitty film, and wondering if I'll have the same attitude towards a proper film, as I did Retarded-Lizard-Man-Coat-Thing (sorry, I just love typing it).

Oh, and yeah. This is my blog. Hi!

I'm Joshua! I go by The Jukebox online, and yeah. I'll be making blog posts about my life, and stuff. Basically like a journal, only not as personal, and not as retarded.

From here, you can catch all my Youtube videos, stuff about my band, and sometimes graphics I make. I might accidentally review a game here and there, or critique an album. Who knows? We'll see where I fit!

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