Sunday, April 10, 2011


Today's vlog is about something rather simple; Youtube, people who troll Youtube, and people who scream "TROLL" at the first sign of someone disagreeing with anything featured in the video, or comments.

I clicked the wrong video in my subscriptions, and was annoyed to find this:

And then I scrolled down to the comments, because something caught my eye.

Yeah, right. 1,000 people clicked dislike, just to annoy everyone. They couldn't have possible disliked everything about the video.

So basically, I replied with:

@TACOJ8893 Because disliking something instantly means you're trying to piss someone off. It couldn't possible be that they didn't like it! No, no; it's far more likely that they loved the video's bad voice acting, horrible transitions, unfitting music, terrible jokes, or the general lack of anything entertaining and instead wanted to annoy someone in place of saying, "I like this."

Troll gets thrown around on the internet so much today, that it pretty much applies to anyone that disagrees. Even if you make a valid argument against anything, or apply logic to something, you're labeled a troll, and told to move on.
It's simple an easy way to escape losing an argument, or having to live with the fact that someone doesn't like what you like.

"All I'm saying, is that I don't like Call of Duty!"

"What... did you just say?"

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